Canisteo-Greenwood Elementary School
Meet the Main Office Staff
Cindy Harding

Attendance Secretary
Julie Powers

"Teaching for Learning"
"Teaching for Learning" We believe that all students can learn and can achieve at optimum levels of academic performance, regardless of their previous academic performance, family background, socio-economic status, race or gender, believe that all students can learn and can achieve at optimum levels of academic performance, regardless of their previous academic performance, family background, socio-economic status, race or gender.
What is Leader in Me?
Canisteo-Greenwood Elementary School is a Leader in Me School. The Leader in Me stems from Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People.” By following the 7 habits, students will learn and grow here at CG, while displaying leadership skills. We are very excited to develop leadership skills in our students and provide leadership opportunities at CG Elementary. Leader in Me provides a whole school transformational approach providing necessary leadership and lifestyle skills for students. Being a Leader in Me school means that students are equipped with skills that will prepare them to succeed while currently in school and in the future, making them college or career ready. Through Leader in Me, CG Elementary has a positive culture that promotes student voice and empowerment in students!
Students at a Leader in Me school are taught the following habits
Habit 1- Be Proactive
You're in Charge!
I am a responsible person, I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking.
Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind
Have a Plan!
I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom and contribute to my school's mission and vision. I look for ways to be a good citizen
Habit 3 - Put First Things First
Work First, Then Play!
I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule, and follow my plan. I am disciplined and organized.
Habit 4 - Think Win-Win
Everyone Can Win!
I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make deposits in other's Emotional Bank Accounts. When conflicts arise, I look for Third Alternatives.
Habit 5-
Habit 6- Synergize
Together is Better!
I value other people's strengths and learn from them. I get along with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people's ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others, we can create better solutions than any of use can along. I am humble.
Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw
Balance Feels Best!
I take care of my body by eating right, exercising, and getting sleep. I spend time with my family and friends. I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I find meaningful ways to help others.