Next school years 2024-2025 school calendar was approved. Check out our website under 'Our School District' for more information.
11 months ago, Canisteo-Greenwood Central School District
Picture Day - Friday, September 22, 2023
over 1 year ago, Cindy Harding
Picture Day - September 22, 2023
Welcome back to the 2023-2024 school year at Canisteo Greenwood Central School District. We are happy to have you back!
over 1 year ago, Canisteo-Greenwood Central School District
Welcome Back to School
Won't you bring an unopened box of cereal to school by June 15th for our 2nd Annual Leadership Day event? Lets see if we can make them tumble all the way around the building this year!
over 1 year ago, Canisteo-Greenwood Central School District
Cereal Box Domino Run
Reminder there is no school this Friday, May 26th due to an unused snow day. Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend!
over 1 year ago, Canisteo-Greenwood Central School District
Unused Snow Day
Parents/Guardians, Due to unused snow days all Canisteo-Greenwood Schools will be closed on Friday, June 9th. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago, Deb Ambuski
Unused Snow Day
Parents/Guardians Due to unused snow days all Canisteo-Greenwood Schools will be closed on Monday, April 10th and Friday May 26th.
almost 2 years ago, CGCSD
school closed
Just a reminder if your elementary child sold Krispy Kreme donuts, they must be picked up at the elementary school cafeteria on Thursday 11/17 between the hours of 11am-1pm. Thank you!
about 2 years ago, CGCSD
Elementary School Parent- Just a reminder the following supplies are needed for our 50th Day Celebration tomorrow. PreK – Straws Kindergarten – Napkins 1st Grade – Cups 2nd Grade – Cups 3rd Grade – 2 liter bottle of root beer 4th Grade – 2 liter bottle of root beer 5th Grade – 2 liter bottle of root beer 6th Grade – 2 liter bottle of root beer Thank you.
about 2 years ago, CGCSD
Elementary Parents- Tomorrow is Awards Day. Please park in the back parking lot and use the gym entrance. Kindergarten-8:30am, 1st Grade-9:25am, 2nd Grade-10:05am, 4th Grade-10:45am, 5th Grade-11:25am, TK/PreK-12:45pm, 3rd Grade-1:25pm, 6th Grade-2:05pm.
over 2 years ago, CGCSD
Parents/Community Members: Budget Vote tomorrow- If you usually vote at Somers Hall due to construction, we have moved the vote to the Canisteo American Legion. If you vote in Greenwood, that has not changed you will vote at the Greenwood Fire Hall. Both polling places will be open 12pm-8pm. Thank you
over 2 years ago, CGCSD
budget vote
Looking for something to do tonight? Come out for the first Canisteo-Greenwood Girls Flag football game as the team takes on Edison High School at home. Let's show our support!!
over 2 years ago, CGCSD
Reminder: This week students in grades 3rd - 6th will take the NYS Math Assessments. Please call the main office for additional information.
almost 3 years ago, Canisteo-Greenwood Central School District
NYS Math Assessments
Reminder-This Friday April 8th is Early Release Day. Elementary students will start dismissing at 11am, High School will dismiss at 11:30am. Classes will resume after Spring Break on Monday, April 18th. Thank you!
almost 3 years ago, CGCSD
early release
Reminder: NYS ELA Assessments will be administered this week for students in grades 3rd - 6th. Please call the main office for additional information.
almost 3 years ago, Canisteo-Greenwood Central School District
NYS ELA Assessments
Elementary parents/guardians! It is the time of year when we collect data from our families about our Leader in Me journey. Please use the link below to complete the survey. Once completed, you can let your child's teacher know and you will be entered to win a gift certificate to Annie's! We will pick 3 winners! We truly value your feedback and use it for future planning. If you have multiple children in the elementary building, please only take the survey once. We will pick winners April 8, 2022. Thank you so much!
almost 3 years ago, CGCSD
leader in me
We are contacting you to let you know our nurses will be performing vision and hearing screenings on the following students who do not have a vision or hearing screening noted on their health form. Grades PreK, K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, and newly enrolled students. Please call your school nurse if you have any questions. Thank you.
almost 3 years ago, CGCSD
Come to school Wednesday, March 9th with a smile for Spring Picture Day! To order online visit Call the Elementary main office for order code. Pay online with an electronic check, debit card, credit card or PayPal. Not all students will be photographed, just those wanting to order spring pictures.
almost 3 years ago, Canisteo-Greenwood Central School District
Spring Pic day
Parents/Guardians Just a reminder all Canisteo-Greenwood schools will be closed Monday, January 17th in observation of MLK Holiday. Classes will resume Tuesday, January 18th.
about 3 years ago, CGCSD
no school
Spread some Cheer! Winter Spirit Week will take place in the Elementary School Monday, December 20th through Wednesday, December 22nd.
about 3 years ago, Canisteo-Greenwood Central School District
Winter Spirit Week