Mission Statement

The School District and Educational Program
The Canisteo-Greenwood School District encompasses 180 square miles and 11 townships in Steuben and Allegany County. They are the towns of Canisteo, Bath, Greenwood, Hartsville, Hornellsville, Howard, Jasper, Rexville, Andover, Troupsburg, and West Union.
Regular education and special education are offered to approximately 1000 students in Pre-K through grade 12.
The District, which merged in 2004, educates its students in two buildings: Canisteo-Greenwood Elementary School, and the Canisteo-Greenwood High School. A Board of Education of seven members oversees the operation of the District.
The Canisteo-Greenwood Elementary School has approximately 600 students with modern classrooms, art room, two music rooms (band and chorus), 10,000 square foot gymnasium and athletic fields. All classrooms boast interactive whiteboards. The school has a swimming pool and students in grades 2-6 receive instruction in swimming. The library has over 10,000 books and is equipped with the latest computer technology.